Young leaders receive Nudge Global Impact Awards in Peace Palace, The Hague
Nudge founder Jan van Betten: “I strongly believe that connecting young professionals from all over the world and giving them the tools to make a difference, can bring about the change we need to make a shift towards a truly sustainable world.”
(fltr) Dr. Hamed Beheshti, Tessa Duste, Teresa Fogelberg, Deirdre Hannon, and Ama van Dantzig
(Photo by Bibi Veth)
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 24 October 2019 – Tuesday evening the winners of the Nudge Global Impact Award 2019 were announced in the Peace Palace, The Hague, the Netherlands. Dr. Hamed Beheshti (Boreal Light GmbH, Germany), Tessa Duste (Hrbs. / Hydroponic Rotational Botanic Service, the Netherlands), and Sabrina Cloney, (Danone, Ireland) represented by her colleague Deirdre Hannon, received this global recognition for their achievements in creating the most impact on people’s lives and our planet. Teresa Fogelberg, Chair of the Jury, handed out the Awards and acknowledged the importance of their achievements. The winners are alumni of the Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2018, a yearly international development programme about leadership, sustainability and impact. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, strategic partner of the Challenge, was responsible for measuring and monitoring the impact created by the Award nominees. At the Awards night, a jury consisting of Teresa Fogelberg, (Chair of the Jury) former Deputy Chief Executive Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Grazyna van Egmond, CEO Banksia Foundation, Australia, Stefanie Wurst, Managing Director BMW Group the Netherlands, Professor Philipp Pattberg, Head of Department, Environmental Policy Analysis at the Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University, Jan Alberdingk Thijm, Partner at Quist executive coaches and former Chief HR Officer & Member of the Executive Committee, Nutreco and James Thuch Madhier, Founder and CEO Rainmaker Enterprise and winner 2015 Challenge, chose the three winners from six finalists. Each winner received €2.000,– to be used on a cause of public benefit connected to their impact project.
Call to action
Nudge believes that the key to a sustainable future lies with young leadership and therefore calls on companies in all countries to join the Nudge Global Impact Challenge and support the participation of young professionals. The Participating Companies contribute to bringing together the best young professionals from all over the world and giving them the knowledge, tools and confidence to implement positive and innovative change.
About the winners and their impact
Dr. Hamed Beheshti, Boreal Light GmbH. Boreal Light GmbH is a young Berlin based company specialised in renewable energy solutions for water treatment facilities.
Sabrina Cloney, Danone Ireland. Recycling the rolls of waste label paper backing generated in production to reduce Danone’s carbon footprint.
Tessa Duste, Hrbs. The service model that delivers locally produced herbs, ready to harvest and easy to maintain.
About the Nudge Global Impact Challenge
The Nudge Global Impact Challenge is a life-changing development programme and competition for the best young talents in the world who want to advance their leadership skills in sustainability and impact creation. More information can be found here.