innogy serves 23 million customers in Europe and generates energy from renewable sources to ensure that it gets to your home.
Whether onshore and offshore wind or hydropower: innogy wants to conserve resources and reduce CO2 emissions. In this way, they are contributing to the protection of the environment and the climate.
innogy is the answer to the big trends that are changing the energy sector worldwide, and in Europe and Germany in particular: decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation. By asking questions related to the future of energy, innogy is able to answer accordingly using the megatrends outlined above. Sustainable, decentralised and digital – this is how they will generate, distribute and use energy in the future.
This year’s participant, Celeste, shares her motivation for joining the Nudge Global Impact Challenge:
“The world needs to become more aware of the impact we are having on the planet, not just environmentally but socially as well. Through the Nudge Global Impact Challenge, I would love to spread the word to as many people as possible and create successful sustainable projects which can be beneficial for the company, for the environment and for all living beings.”
– Celeste Scharrenberg Service Designer at innogy (NL)
You can read more about innogy’s strategy for the future and their 2017 sustainability report here.