ENGIE brings you the energy of the future, today – an energy that is good for the world, and for you. An energy provider, ENGIE and all its separate entities work to provide sustainable and innovative energy on a national and international level.
More importantly, ENGIE provides clients the opportunity to find out and choose where their energy comes from through ENGIE Opgewekt. Thus, clients are able to consciously use sustainable energy and do not bear extra costs.
Aside from promoting sustainable electricity through ENGIE Opgewekt, ENGIE also contributes to a more sustainable Netherlands, and planet, through its business in gas. For every client that uses ENGIE gas, the company makes a donation to the foundation Trees for All. In 2016, this led to the first ENGIE forest – an investment into a greener future.
ENGIE Belgium’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is similar, but based on three pillars – the Social, Corporate Citizenship and Ecological. Each pillar promotes particular projects that promote diversity, sustainability, education inclusiveness, biodiversity and many others.
As a whole, ENGIE is working towards a sustainable and low carbon dioxide energy transition. It believes that the four Ds – decarbonising, decentralising, digitalising, decreasing use – implemented through innovation and communal action can lead to efficient energy solutions. These beliefs mirror those of Nudge, and we are excited to share knowledge and ideas with their participants at the Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2017.
Source: www.engie-energie.nl