We gladly announce that one of our Support Partners for the Nudge Global Impact Challenge is Dutch energy supplier Essent. Essent works with gas, electricity and other energy products and supplies to 2.5 million households and business customers in The Netherlands and Belgium. Essent is also part of innogy, a company that aims to help shape the energy transition.
Step-by-step Essent works towards an energy supply that is completely sustainable, with a focus on energy efficiency, affordable energy transition, renewable energy and good employership. Working on these four focus areas helps Essent create a sustainable world. This is how they give substance to their societal responsibility.
Because Essent believes innovation is future, they developed and tested Smart Grid solutions in conjunction with grid operators, research institutes and customers. Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands, is now sometimes called ‘the City of Sun’, as 200 households are connected to an energy system that communicates with a smart device in their homes. The energy system predicts the supply and demand and therefore prevents energy tailback.
Essent’s sustainable commitments and drive to become a leading actor in its field perfectly fits with the Nudge Global Impact Challenge. We are eager to welcome their young talents and capacitate them to become future leaders in sustainability.
Source: www.essent.eu