India is home to one-sixth of the global population and while per-capita emissions are amongst the lowest in the world, it is also the third biggest generator of emissions, so there is certainly a need for visionaries to help the country become more sustainable. Nudge is therefore delighted to announce that IndiaConnected – the No.1 Dutch advisory firm exclusively focused on India – is now a network partner of the Nudge Global Impact Challenge! They will actively help to spread the word about the Challenge among their networks because they see great potential for young Indian professionals to become leaders in sustainability.
“The biggest sustainability challenges in Indian cities are air and water pollution and waste management,” says Maarten van der Schaaf, partner of IndiaConnected. “In rural areas, it’s all about professionalising food supply chains. Currently, 40% of agricultural output goes to waste. These challenges offer companies the possibility to make an enormous impact – and make serious money in the process.”
One example given by Maarten of a successful circular business in India is Dutch Plantin, which produces coconut coir (a sustainable alternative to peat moss for potting soil). The product uses husks that are a waste product of the coconut industry as a raw material.
IndiaConnected advises and supports companies on market entry strategy, fiscal strategy and growth financing. With their exclusive network in India, they provide valuable matchmaking services for their clients. Their local team of associates throughout India is available for practical support, ranging from market research to legal affairs and staffing services. We look forward to working together with them to make the Nudge Global Impact Challenge even more well-known in India and beyond.
Maarten van der Schaaf
Source: IndiaConnected