Unica, joining us in October, believes that ‘together we make the future’.

Unica, joining us in October, believes that ‘together we make the future’.

Unica Group is the largest independent provider of technical services in the Netherlands with an international focus on the manufacturing industry and data centers. Unica offers its clients all-round, technological solutions in the field of safety, comfort & health, ICT and energy & sustainability.

Together with its clients and industry partners, Unica makes an active contribution to the sustainable transformation of the built environment. For example, Unica signed the Green Deal (circular economy), has joined the Transitiecoalitie – the energy transition coalition – and provides a range of measures aimed at guaranteeing an energy label C for offices (CO2 reduction).

In Europe it has been agreed that the built environment must be energy-neutral by 2050. A huge challenge in which collaboration, technical innovation and process optimization play an important role. Unica closely follows technological developments and government guidelines and helps organizations through long-term cooperation on their way to energy-neutral buildings. In this way, the blade of preservation cuts on both sides: appreciation of the building and improvement of comfort.

We’re excited to welcome Bas Peters (Management Trainee at Unica) to the Challenge in October to further discuss solutions for the energy transition to meet all the goals set for 2030 and 2050. Unica’s slogan, ‘together we make the future’ reflects Nudge’s aim to connect people and organisations to realise positive and durable change in society.

Watch this short film to learn more about Unica:
