“Achieving a zero emissions economy is the greatest business opportunity of the century.”
Nudge couldn’t agree more with this statement by Paul Polman, the CEO of Unilever, and is proud to announce that Unilever will participate in the Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2017.
Unilever’s vision is to grow their business whilst decoupling their environmental impact from their growth. They consider the reduction of their greenhouse gas (GHG), water and waste impacts within their own manufacturing and operations and beyond, across the value chain. They also aim to source all their agricultural raw materials sustainably.
‘The impact is big… and getting bigger’
Unilever intentionally announced their ambition in the lead-up to COP21 to give governments – and others in industry – confidence that large businesses are committed to a zero-carbon economy. They believe that business can press forward with their ambitious plans knowing that the governments of the world have set a clear direction of travel and will implement the policy frameworks to support them.
‘It makes business sense to reduce our risk by securing sustainable sources of supply for raw materials, to cut costs through reducing packaging materials and higher manufacturing efficiencies, and to appeal to more consumers with sustainable, purpose-led brands.’ What a great fit with the theme of the Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2017: ‘GDP or Sustainable Development Goals? Nudging young leaders towards sustainable economics’. Needless to say, Nudge is excited to meet Unilever’s international young professionals and work with them during the Nudge Global Impact Challenge 2017.
Picture: www.unilever.com