Nudge Explores Solar Energy with WakaWaka
The three winners of the Nudge Global Leadership Challenge 2014 are travelling to Rwanda, in Africa, as ‘Agents of Light’ guided by Nudge and WakaWaka. During the 10 days trip (27 June – 6 July) they will explore energy poverty and gain knowledge about off-grid solutions providing energy to households. Their mission: raise awareness in the on-grid world and help decrease energy poverty.
Nudge and WakaWaka together with the three ‘Agents of Light’, Stephanie Dexter (Heineken USA), Janis Tong (The Good Lab, Hong Kong) and Merve Şensoy (Ferrero, Turkey), want to raise awareness about energy poverty in the on-grid world and come up with possible solutions to increase the socio-economic development of off-grid households. They will get the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Rwandan off-grid energy market and develop a strategy linking the WakaWaka Virtual Grid model with other sectors and industries. During their explorations, the Agents of Light will visit pilot projects in Rwanda and inquire how adjacent sectors and industries reliant on the energy sector can benefit from increased access to reliable light and power. By connecting with companies and public stakeholders from different sectors and industries, they will discover how pre-paid solar light and chargers can stimulate poverty alleviation, economic development, education and the mitigation of negative health effects.
There are six main areas the three winners will focus on. Stephanie Dexter, Brand Manager for Heineken USA will explore health and education, Janis Tong, Head of Programme and Development for The Good Lab in Hong Kong will dive into connectivity and safety, whereas Merve Şensoy, Sustainability Project Developer for Ferrero Turkey will focus on economic development and environment.
About Nudge
Nudge, founded in 2010 by former CEO of Reed Elsevier in Germany Jan van Betten, is a social enterprise and B Corp based in The Netherlands and is striving towards a sustainable society. Nudge connects people and organisations with its online platform in order to achieve grassroots initiatives that bring a positive and long lasting change in our society. By facilitating bottom-up initiatives, Nudge offers perspectives for action that are accessible to everyone. Nudge invites everyone to take action and make a positive contribution to society. Over 44,000 people in The Netherlands are members of the Nudge community and this number increases day by day.
About WakaWaka
WakaWaka is a social enterprise dedicated to fight energy poverty. Maurice Groen and Camille van Gestel founded WakaWaka in 2010 with the aim of bringing light to those still living in darkness. Acting under the motto ‘share the sun’, they contribute to the distribution of solar energy to 1.2 billion people who live off-grid. Their sustainable business model aims at developing communities by using entrepreneurship skills in the field of charity. By offering affordable and reliable products that meet the basic needs, Wakawaka is bringing positive change to society in Africa and Asia.
About WakaWaka in Rwanda
In Rwanda, WakaWaka has started the ‘Virtual Grid’, a pilot program reaching over 9.000 households in three districts. The Virtual Grid makes use of the WakaWaka solar energy through prepaid technology. After a one-time deposit, the owner of the WakaWaka – a solar powered mobile charger and light – will weekly activate it through scratch cards. In this way the Rwandese population has access to light and avoids burning kerosene for this purpose.
Note for the press:
Continuous coverage (photos, blogs, videos etc.) of the Nudge Explores Solar Energy Trip with a mission will be done via this website and
social media channels Nudge:
Facebook : Nudge Leadership Challenges
Twitter : @NudgeChallenges / #SolarEnergy / #NudgeExplores
LinkedIn : Nudge Leadership Challenges
social media channels WakaWaka:
Website :
Facebook : WakaWakaLight
Twitter : WakaWakaLight / WakaWakaNL / WakaWakaRW
Mrs. Ilse Lettinga / Nudge
Project and Communications Manager Nudge Leadership Challenges
[email protected], + 31 6 8 32 32 666
Mrs. Emma Olde Bijvank / WakaWaka
Strategic Account Manager
[email protected], + 31 6 55 28 93 92